Case Study / Art & Culture Gallery Event
The Challenge
Campaign and event execution in collaboration with 100+ local artists, musicians and entrepreneurs in Charlotte, NC for a cultural block party in support of ending hunger in the city in partnership with non-profit organization Loaves & Fishes.
The Solution
- Email marketing, design & messaging coordinated among 100+ event partners & vendors
- Designed posters and flyers and distributed at key culture hubs citywide
- Gain involvement of corporate sponsorships – Red Bull, Shocktop & School of Rock
- Pitched event to all local media outlets & developed a press releases to secure media coverage
The Result
- Over 2,000 people attended
- $4,000 donated to Loaves & Fishes
- 500 ready to deliver grocery bags full of healthy food
- 8 media articles featuring the event including the Charlotte Observer, and 3 radio interviews